Visit 5
I visited the sanctuary woods bowl on Wednesday, November 15. I arrived at 5:30 P.M. and left at 6:00. It was around 44 degrees at the time of my visit, and the weather was dark clouds covering the sky, with light rain. It was a 9 hour and 44 minute day. There was a lot of change since my last visit in terms of the trees/vegetation. All the leaves had ceased to be bright colors, and had become a dark brown. Fallen leaves were also all over the ground beneath the trees. I heard a cicada's high pitched noise to the north, it was somewhere beyond the bowl in the woods. I could also hear the lake very loudly, and when I climbed to the top of the bowl I could see it was very wavy. I did not visually see any organisms on this visit, and the only one I heard was the cicada.
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