Visit 6
I visited my field study location, the sanctuary woods bowl, on Wednesday, November 29. I arrived at 5:05 P.M. and left at 5:30. It was around 38 degrees at the time of my visit, and the skies were clear, although the sun was setting. It was a 9 hour and 18 minute day. The trees have changed significantly since my last visit, with the trees being almost completely empty of leaves. The leaves are all on the ground now, and the branches and limbs are bare. Some grey, hard, shell like plants I have seen in visits before have now bursted, releasing their seeds with a fluffy white piece around them. I saw a brown squirrel in the woods towards the south end of the bowl. I could also hear two birds, one chirping and the other squawking, although I don't know what type of birds they were. There seemed to be no insects left at all, probably hibernating for the winter.